Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Disconnected -- Things are happening around me but I' m not involved. I am observing from a dream like view. It is out of my control....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday- I went up to the school and worked. Jimmy got fired from his summer job so he was able to go with me and help arrange the furniture. When they shampoo the carpets, they do not move the heavy things back. I tried to lift up on my desk and could barely budge it, I was thankful Jimmy was there to help. I have everything moved where it needs to go and will just need to clean up and put the books where they go. I have to lock everything that will fit in the closet because things tend to disappear during the summer. Stephanie took our yearbook laptop and camera home to protect them but someone came there from the school board to inventory everything and we got in trouble for it not being at school. She hasn't even taken it out of the case, she has one why would she needs the schools.

I am disappointed in my test scores again this year. My NCE was at or above state average in every subject but I didn't have enough gain from last year to this year. I was so proud of the teaching that I did this last year. I thought I did great and the students learned, at least on the assessments I gave they showed mastery. The principle came by and said something about it. She wasn't negative but asked that we find out why fifth grade was not the best in the county and fix it.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pickles and Garden

I just canned some pickles, kosher dill and polish. I have no clue if they will be good. I didn't grow the cucumbers, Paul's sister did.

I hope I will have some green beans ready to freeze sometime this week. Maybe if the tomatoes stay going like they are, I can actually can salsa!

We just got back from visiting Paul's mom. It was hard for him to leave her because this time she would be alone. (Paul's dad died on Father's Day. His sister from Alaska has been staying with her but she flew back earlier in the week.)

On the way to his mom's, we made a detour and went to Shiloh National Cemetery. It was a sight of a Civil War Battle. Paul loved it and I enjoyed it.

We also got to spend two afternoons on a party barge (I call it a pontoon boat) and I loved the lakes that we went to. I decided that when I retire, I will sell my house and buy a shack on a river or lake somewhere!

I have two and a half weeks left of summer vacation! It went by so fast.

Jimmy is going through something horrible right now and I can't do anything to help him work it out. My hands are tied just like his are. He is so depressed, I couldn't even talk him into going to his regular scheduled ultimate Frisbee game.

We are working on getting healthier and got up and walked last week. We have to get up really early to walk in the morning. I guess after that I will mow the yard. Paul has to work in the morning.