Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holy Holidays!

I am so excited about Christmas! It could be just because I have two weeks off, but I think it is more than that. I will get to see my nephews and sister. I am excited to spend time with everyone. I had hoped Paul's mom would let me go pick her up for Christmas, but she is still not ready to be social yet. This will be a hard Christmas for her and Paul. My heart goes out to them.

I just feel so blessed to know that God loved me so much that He sent Jesus to be my Savior! The Christmas sermon on Sunday was about how God chose to use the lowliest people for the birth of Jesus. His parents were just common and humble people. The shepherds only owned the sheep and maybe a tent to sleep in. They were considered the lowest in society, yet they were chosen to be the ones to go and see the Savior. God can use anyone, even the lowly and humble. It was an excellent sermon.

I hope that everyone will remember the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Savior. And I wish you Merry Christmas

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow days are great!!!

Monday came with a nice long evening, we were dismissed from school about two hours early. I went home to clean and make a special supper. I had to grade some papers and put them in the computer before Christmas break. I wanted to wait but was afraid we would have school the next day. Much to my delight, we were out until Friday!!!! It was great; thank you God for the snow and ice. I was able to: wrap presents, make candy, and finish the last minute shopping - early.

Today, Friday, was just a half of a day and I was home before noon. We had the worst Christmas music program in the history of programs. I don't know why we can not just sing Christmas songs, and be done with it. Our music teacher, bless her heart, wants to do elaborate programs with speaking parts and nontraditional Holiday songs. It was horrible and was done twice, once for grades: PK, 2, 3, and 5 and again for K, 1, and 4. I feel bad for the parents that had to watch that two times. In her defense, it is just so much for one person to do, in addition she is also the band director for 6-8 grades. They also had a concert that day, but in contrast it was exceptionally great!

As a result of the bad weather, the girls' Christmas party was canceled. We were just going to dinner and the movies. It was going to be a treat for all of us. Shiloh, who just had the baby, was also going to go. I was so excited about it, but we will do it sometime, maybe.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Shack by William P. Young

I started reading this book because of the suggestion of a co - worker. I also go to church with him and his wife. He told me it would change my world and life. It was an excellent book, that provoked many spiritual thoughts.

I started reading it last Tuesday night. I got about a quarter of the way through, put it down, and vowed not to read anymore of it. I wanted to put it in the freezer, but I was scared to get out of bed in the dark! The book completely freaked me out. The book gave an image of God that was so different then what I am use to. I tried to be offended, and even consider it sacrilegious. I just could not conjure up those feelings. As I look back, I know I was feeling doubt, confusion, and fear.

I went to church Wednesday night, and saw the co-worker. I told him I was not going to finish the book. He ask me where I was in the book, and then told me I had to finish. I took his advice and woke up at 4 the next morning and finished the book!

I am so thankful I did. It is a must read for all!

Friday, November 28, 2008

My family was all home, except Jon and Ryan, my nephews. We enjoyed a day of games, food, and fun. The first game we played was IQ Battle of the Sexes, but the ladies got stomped. I was over thinking every question! We also played Cranium and got beat, which is a game we usually dominate in! It was not our day, we were to tired from cooking. We moved on to play a few rounds of Apples to Apples, and that is when the laughter started so hard that tears were flowing. My mom was hilarious!

Apples to Apples is a game where the judge takes a card that has adjectives, the players throws face down a noun card that will appeal to the judge, if your noun is picked you get the adjective card, and the first one with five adjective cards wins. We started adding our own rule of making up a category for every one to throw down a noun for.

When it was mom's turn, she said her tongue, which is freakishly long. Someone threw in honeymoon, and we all started making grossed out noises, which turned her red. Then the next card was tick, and she read it as trick. I thought we would have to perform CPR, she was so red and laughing so hard. Talk about a Freudian slip!

Jessica's first made-up card was things I like to touch. She couldn't even read the cards because she was laughing so hard. I can't remember them all, but some were: a man, a doctor, The Old Man and The Sea, Garth Brooks, roses - which is the only safe one and she picked it. (It was from G Pa.)

In another round mom had a card that said piranha. She asked Shannon what it said, and Shannon said peer - an - ha'. Paul was sitting next to Shannon, and corrected her. That was another explosion of laughter! (Now you see why we did not win the other games!) When it was Jimmy turn, he made up his category - words Aunt Shannon and Grandma can't pronounce.

I know that these are stories that are so much funnier if you are there, but I had to right about it to keep the memory! And let the record show that I did win one of the three rounds of Apples to Apples!

I was kinda down at the dinner table. I have several friend going through some tough times, and I couldn't help but to think of them. Stacy is celebrating her first holidays without either of her parents, Paul is missing his dad, the little boy I do home bound for is not able to be around extended family so they are celebrating alone, and there are many more, not even mentioning the trouble in the world and our troops and their families.

When you are a kid, nothing seems to get in the way of the festivities, as long as things are good in your area that is all you care about. As an adult, I tend to think of and remember all my friends, wondering if their day is going good and if they are enjoying or at least surviving it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Last week was another busy week! It started with me having to go to the Dr. I have fluid in both of my ears, but in my right one the worse. It still hurts!

Work was hectic while we prepared for a fund raiser call Winter Wonder Land. Our hall looked great! Maybe I will post a picture of the igloo. Even with all the work, my grade only made about $100. I know myself I spent almost that. I guess next year I could just donate that money and not do the extra work.

I had to work Saturday in Trenton. It wasn't to bad. I only had 8 full tester and 3 re testers. I came home to an empty house. Paul is gone to his mom's until Monday. We miss him!

I was ready to curl up and read a book, but Jeff called. He wanted to play cards. We went to mom's and dad's to play Shanghai. It was fun, and I didn't lose!

Today, Jessica and I went to church, and then we all went to mom's and dad's to eat. We had taco soup and green chile chicken potato soup. It was good, as always!

I don't think anything great is to happen this week. I do go to the Dr. to get released from my foot surgery. That appointment is Monday, and I plan to walk as soon as I get home.

Hope everyone has a great week!!!!

The igloo-these were taken with a cell phone, so the quality of the pictures stink. The faces of the Eskimo are pictures of teachers that work on the red hall.
The kids' faces are on skiers.
Here I am as a giant Eskimo!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Paul and I went to Paducah last night. We had dinner at a steak house, and it was good! I hadn't had anything for lunch, so I was starving. I had steak, salad, and apples; that I ordered but didn't eat. I don't usually order steak, but they had a small one and it was what I was really wanting. Usually we go to Olive Garden, but I suggested a steak. I didn't have to twist Paul's arm to go. Next, we went to Sams to get laundry stuff. We also stopped at the grocery. We got home around 10. I really had fun.

I woke up this morning with a sore throat and stuffy nose. I had big plans to clean up the house today, and I have slowly finished.

Paul is working tonight, and he will be busy because the flea market is here this weekend. That always brings in more business. I have not been to the flea market since it reopened. I wonder if it is the same old stuff that it was years ago.

He was just home for an early supper. I made homemade chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese. Now I am ready for a nap, but it is to late in the afternoon.

I got all my things in for the grant that I received. I will hopefully teach electricity and magnets starting Monday. I am really excited about it and maybe it will help me be a better science teacher. I know it won't hurt!!!

I don't know why I even watch movies on regular channels. I was watching When Harry Met Sally. I just wanted to see my favorite scene which they cut. It was one of the best scenes, the one where they were eating at the diner.

There is an old man that lives behind us, and every evening he beats on a metal trash can lid to scare off all the birds. I wish it worked on the squirrels, they are taking all the pecans before they even fall to the ground!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted early, so today I didn't experience the lines like many people did. We voted at school, and it was no surprise that the students voted McCain by a large percent. I am sure he will have TN, but I did my part. (well, they just announced it and McCain did get TN)

My babies voted today for their first time. Jess said she didn't have to wait more than 20 minutes.

There is not anything on TV tonight except election coverage and House! You think they would have been kind enough to at least have Wheel on!

There is a boy that was in my class, he is now a junior, and he is suffering from testicular cancer. I read a little of his blog and sent him a note. My heart goes out to him and his family. They are on the last chemo and then will do scans in December. Please pray for that family.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Is it Friday, YET????

I am so ready for the week to be over. I have not worked a full week since the last week in September. And the earliest I have left the school this week is 4:30. That is 6 hours with out pay! My reward: we get to break the dress code and as long as we tuck in our shirts to dress pants, we will be allowed to wear a Halloween shirt! Wow! How luck is that! (I don't even own a Halloween shirt!)

Halloween is tomorrow and that means a party at school. The kids really don't behave if their parents are there, but maybe this year will be different.

Last night I made my class some homemade brownies topped with marshmallow cream. I was going to make a chocolate drizzled spider web on top, but I couldn't even draw one. So, I didn't want to chance messing it up. Instead I topped it with orange and brown M&Ms. I gave it to them today because they will have so much junk tomorrow. They loved it. One boy said, "Ms. Darla, that was so good that you will probably get to go on TV and show everyone how to make them."

Jimmy was home all day yesterday and night! It was good to see and talk to him for more than just a few minutes at a time. He sweet talked me into making another batch of brownies for him.

The yearbook rep came by today. He is really a great guy and helpful. We are doing our book completely online this year, and he stopped by to show us the program. I think our theme is an ipod -What's on your play list? and then have all genres of music throughout the yearbook.

It is time for Jessica's and my show: Grey's Anatomy

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sometimes I say things that are completely innocent and they are taken in other ways. The latest example: I was talking to Paul about making muffins for breakfast and how I use to make them all the time. Then I said, "I don't know why I don't make them anymore, but it doesn't matter you don't seem to be much of a muffin eater." Paul was cleaning out the refrigerator, and nearly fell over laughing! I was embarrassed, luckily Jimmy wasn't in the kitchen.

We got rolled last night. The only consolation I have is that they had to step in dog crap somewhere!!! My hope for the vandals is that the poop stains the carpet in their car and the smell last forever!

I finished The Last Lecture and was completely moved by the book; how that man lived his life and the principles that he was taught as a child. It made me wish I could go back and redo some of the things I did with Jimmy and Jessica. I also reflected on childhood dreams and I can't really think of but one dream, to write poetry and books. I know I had to have other dreams but I can't remember them. I would suggest reading that book or at least watching Randy Pausch's Last Lecture on You Tube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji5_MqicxSo It is really long, over an hour. If it is like the book, it will be worth watching.

I had told Jeff how much I was crying during that book and he suggested I put it down. I couldn't because I had to finish it. Then at dinner, he told me to read a book called 212 degrees. It is just a short inspirational book, mostly geared toward business people. It can be summed up like this: At 211 degrees water is hot. At 212 degrees water boils. With boiling water, comes steam, and steam can power a locomotive. With just one more degree, hot water can move a locomotive. With just a little more effort, attitude, perseverance, kindness, commitment and focus we can achieve all the things we want to achieve.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Paul and I went to early vote this morning. We only waited in line about 15 minutes. Well, at least it is done and we won't have to do it when we wait for over an hour. Jessica and Jimmy will both vote this time.

After we voted, we met mom, dad and Jeff for lunch. I had a really good vegetable soup.

Monday, October 13, 2008

OCTOBER - Jessica is turning 18 in a few weeks. I don't even remember turning 18. Of course, I had a little baby boy and was busy with his life. She is pretty excited about it. She has threaten to leave but I don't know what she will do. It is up to her. I also have a friend who will be 29 for the ninth year. Happy Birthday, to you both!

Paul has been so good to me these last few days. He has taken great care of me and has not let me just mope around. The pain pills did not agree with me and I know that is why I felt so bad Thursday and Friday. He made me get up on Saturday and I have been doing pretty good every since. I think I will be able to walk with just a cane. Or at least I hope the Dr. tells me that this afternoon. Then I won't have to depend on help for everything. Jimmy and Jess have helped out also! When Paul would be at work they would hang around.

Jimmy is here today because they are on fall break until Wednesday, so that should keep me occupied. He got his mid-terms in and they weren't all they should be. I don't know why he isn't working to his potential. Jessica and I are on fall break until next Monday. She is helping Jeff unpack.

I watched August Rush on Saturday night. I really enjoyed that movie. Even when you aren't with people, a common bond can still connect you. I have felt that over the years with my family and friends. Today I watched, Educating Little Tree , that movie made me cry like a baby.

I am getting really bored with TV so I guess it is time to pick up the books. My first one to read is, The Last Lecture, By Randy Pausch. After that, I have a few books that I got at Goodwill during the half price sale a couple of weeks ago.

My germ phobia kicks in when I think about reading used books or books from the library. It is really just gross. You don't know what other people do or touch when they are reading books or where they read them! They could have fixed chicken for supper and after touching the raw meat they never washed their hands. Or worse, and I think this is what really bothers me the most, what if, just what if they took them in the bathroom with them! That is just too much grossness!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Paul was working tonight, so I replaced my walking partner with the dog. She about dislocated my shoulder, and worse than that, she just stops and pees in the middle of the road. It was embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as her taking a poop on the curb. I need a little doggie, a poodle... maybe one day.

I was home alone last night, and enjoyed reading a book. Wednesday Letters, by Jason Wright, was a moving and thought provoking book. I thought it was just going to be another love story, but it was like no other. I finished it around 10:30 and just laid in bed comparing myself to some of the characters in the book. The book focused on the love of a family, still growing and changing, and about the ultimate forgiveness.

Saturday, I had to give a test in my favorite location, Dover. I love getting up and driving before anyone is up. (except the hunters are always up and out getting ready to kill whatever is in season) When I am driving over the bridge, and I see the newly rising sun bouncing off of the still and quiet lake, and I know that today that sunrise was made just for me. I read One More Day by Mitch Albom, while I was giving the test. It was a good book and reminded you that you are never guaranteed another day. I think every boy needs to buy it, read it, and then give to to his mom for Christmas or Mother's Day with a nice little note inside the cover.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Crazy Monday --- But wait it is Tuesday -- duh!

Tonight is the ladies' dinner and devotion. We are reading the book: What Happens When Women Say Yes to God. I haven't completed it yet. I knew that it was a bad time of the year for me to get in with this book discussion but I really wanted to read the book. It was just hard to read that and keep up with my daily bible reading and do all the extra things to get my room ready. The dinner tonight is for people who have and have not read the book, so I won't feel so bad about going. Jessica is going with me. I know we will have fun and enjoy the fellowship.

I can't talk about work right now because I have so many negative feelings that I probably need to keep them to myself until I have worked them all out. I will say that I am working everyday when I get home for several more hours. It makes for a long day.

I have to work the ballgame Thursday night. I don't really mind because I need to get pictures for the yearbook.

We are going to Paul's mom's house this weekend. Monday is his dad's birthday so this weekend will be hard on her. It is time to get my casserole out of the oven and go. And for the one person who will care what kind of casserole; it is a Mexican rice with beef and cheese.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I was at Wal-Mart getting groceries and thanks to the extremely long line; I got to see the 14 million dollar baby pictures in People. (I think Jimmy and Jessica's baby pictures are worth more than that!)

I forget every time I go to Wal-Mart how much I HATE going on Saturday mornings. I just go to get it finished so we don't have to go on Sunday.I see way too many people and my ex in laws are always there doing their shopping. I get to experience the stares and avoidance from people who were family for 16 years. It still makes me sad. I do miss my nieces and nephews. I took Daniel to his first day of school. I would take a nap with Samantha sleeping on my chest. I would always braid Chelsea's and Kristen's hair and they loved going to church with me and the kids.

I started back to work Wednesday. After 10 years, it has finally become just a job. I lost the passion for it. The administration played a large part in that.

Jeff is here this weekend. We have a poker game planned at my parents' house. (They went to W. Virginia to see Dad's family. ) I am excited about it!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Jessica and I have not gotten along for about a year, since she has had a boyfriend. After an another argument, Paul privately told me that I was not letting her grow up and was treating her like she was 10 instead of almost 18. I didn't want to make the same mistakes that my mom did. After I got over the hurt feelings, I agreed with him. I started thinking about how to make our life better and make a more suitable home for adult children.

I made a plan and decided it would be best for a family meeting. I would tell them what I would give them and what I expected in return, and then let them have their input also. I had the speech worked out in my head and knew the ending would be us all laughing, holding hands and skipping in a meadow full of wildflowers with a gentle breeze blowing our hair. What was I thinking???????

I was half right, Jimmy was fine with what I said to him. He just needed to work on cleaning up after himself instead of expecting us to do it.

Jessica wasn't excited about the things I said, which were tons better then what she already had. She said many hurtful things to both me and Paul. She spoke what has been built up for months, if not years. I was sadden by what she said but glad she finally spoke what she felt. It ended with Jess and me hugging and wiping the tears, then we went our separate ways for alone time.

I hope that was the last of the explosions between us. I love her and want a good life for her. It is hard to let her decide what that "good life" will be.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I got my hair cut yesterday. I asked to take my hair home and put in the garden because it keeps the rabbits away. Then I felt stupid for asking and the girl couldn't find a bag to put it in so it got thrown away. There was a bunch of it because I haven't cut my hair since Jan. and it was down to the middle of my back and now it is to my shoulders.

I worked more in my classroom yesterday.

Today I will go to Jeff's new house and meet the air conditioner men. Hopefully they won't take long to fix it because it is going to be hot today!

I saw a guy yesterday in just his boxers and nothing else. He had went to the curb in front of his house and was squatted down talking to someone in a car. It was gross!!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Disconnected -- Things are happening around me but I' m not involved. I am observing from a dream like view. It is out of my control....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday- I went up to the school and worked. Jimmy got fired from his summer job so he was able to go with me and help arrange the furniture. When they shampoo the carpets, they do not move the heavy things back. I tried to lift up on my desk and could barely budge it, I was thankful Jimmy was there to help. I have everything moved where it needs to go and will just need to clean up and put the books where they go. I have to lock everything that will fit in the closet because things tend to disappear during the summer. Stephanie took our yearbook laptop and camera home to protect them but someone came there from the school board to inventory everything and we got in trouble for it not being at school. She hasn't even taken it out of the case, she has one why would she needs the schools.

I am disappointed in my test scores again this year. My NCE was at or above state average in every subject but I didn't have enough gain from last year to this year. I was so proud of the teaching that I did this last year. I thought I did great and the students learned, at least on the assessments I gave they showed mastery. The principle came by and said something about it. She wasn't negative but asked that we find out why fifth grade was not the best in the county and fix it.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pickles and Garden

I just canned some pickles, kosher dill and polish. I have no clue if they will be good. I didn't grow the cucumbers, Paul's sister did.

I hope I will have some green beans ready to freeze sometime this week. Maybe if the tomatoes stay going like they are, I can actually can salsa!

We just got back from visiting Paul's mom. It was hard for him to leave her because this time she would be alone. (Paul's dad died on Father's Day. His sister from Alaska has been staying with her but she flew back earlier in the week.)

On the way to his mom's, we made a detour and went to Shiloh National Cemetery. It was a sight of a Civil War Battle. Paul loved it and I enjoyed it.

We also got to spend two afternoons on a party barge (I call it a pontoon boat) and I loved the lakes that we went to. I decided that when I retire, I will sell my house and buy a shack on a river or lake somewhere!

I have two and a half weeks left of summer vacation! It went by so fast.

Jimmy is going through something horrible right now and I can't do anything to help him work it out. My hands are tied just like his are. He is so depressed, I couldn't even talk him into going to his regular scheduled ultimate Frisbee game.

We are working on getting healthier and got up and walked last week. We have to get up really early to walk in the morning. I guess after that I will mow the yard. Paul has to work in the morning.