Thursday, September 18, 2008

Paul was working tonight, so I replaced my walking partner with the dog. She about dislocated my shoulder, and worse than that, she just stops and pees in the middle of the road. It was embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as her taking a poop on the curb. I need a little doggie, a poodle... maybe one day.

I was home alone last night, and enjoyed reading a book. Wednesday Letters, by Jason Wright, was a moving and thought provoking book. I thought it was just going to be another love story, but it was like no other. I finished it around 10:30 and just laid in bed comparing myself to some of the characters in the book. The book focused on the love of a family, still growing and changing, and about the ultimate forgiveness.

Saturday, I had to give a test in my favorite location, Dover. I love getting up and driving before anyone is up. (except the hunters are always up and out getting ready to kill whatever is in season) When I am driving over the bridge, and I see the newly rising sun bouncing off of the still and quiet lake, and I know that today that sunrise was made just for me. I read One More Day by Mitch Albom, while I was giving the test. It was a good book and reminded you that you are never guaranteed another day. I think every boy needs to buy it, read it, and then give to to his mom for Christmas or Mother's Day with a nice little note inside the cover.