Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Shack by William P. Young

I started reading this book because of the suggestion of a co - worker. I also go to church with him and his wife. He told me it would change my world and life. It was an excellent book, that provoked many spiritual thoughts.

I started reading it last Tuesday night. I got about a quarter of the way through, put it down, and vowed not to read anymore of it. I wanted to put it in the freezer, but I was scared to get out of bed in the dark! The book completely freaked me out. The book gave an image of God that was so different then what I am use to. I tried to be offended, and even consider it sacrilegious. I just could not conjure up those feelings. As I look back, I know I was feeling doubt, confusion, and fear.

I went to church Wednesday night, and saw the co-worker. I told him I was not going to finish the book. He ask me where I was in the book, and then told me I had to finish. I took his advice and woke up at 4 the next morning and finished the book!

I am so thankful I did. It is a must read for all!

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