Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow days are great!!!

Monday came with a nice long evening, we were dismissed from school about two hours early. I went home to clean and make a special supper. I had to grade some papers and put them in the computer before Christmas break. I wanted to wait but was afraid we would have school the next day. Much to my delight, we were out until Friday!!!! It was great; thank you God for the snow and ice. I was able to: wrap presents, make candy, and finish the last minute shopping - early.

Today, Friday, was just a half of a day and I was home before noon. We had the worst Christmas music program in the history of programs. I don't know why we can not just sing Christmas songs, and be done with it. Our music teacher, bless her heart, wants to do elaborate programs with speaking parts and nontraditional Holiday songs. It was horrible and was done twice, once for grades: PK, 2, 3, and 5 and again for K, 1, and 4. I feel bad for the parents that had to watch that two times. In her defense, it is just so much for one person to do, in addition she is also the band director for 6-8 grades. They also had a concert that day, but in contrast it was exceptionally great!

As a result of the bad weather, the girls' Christmas party was canceled. We were just going to dinner and the movies. It was going to be a treat for all of us. Shiloh, who just had the baby, was also going to go. I was so excited about it, but we will do it sometime, maybe.

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